Planting fall flower bulbs is an easy and rewarding gardening task – pop them in the ground now, and your landscape will be filled with blossoming buds when spring rolls around.

Spring-blooming flowers like tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils, are a welcome sight after a long Utah winter. To transform your yard into a gorgeous, eye-catching display of color, try one of the following flower bulb garden design ideas.

Planting fall flower bulbs

No. 1: Plant Flowers that Multiply Freely

Want your landscape to look like Mother Nature handled the garden design? Plant a mixture of woodland bulbs in a random, erratic manner to mimic how they naturally grow in the wild. Come spring, you’ll see charming, casual sweeps of color – and the flowers will come back every spring.

No. 2: Line a Path with Fall Flower Bulbs

If you prefer a more formal garden design, plant bulbs in even rows along your driveway or landscape paths. For a beautifully manicured look, consider using just one or two flower bulb varieties.

No. 3: Plant Flower Bulbs for a Layered Effect

Get great bursts of color in your garden beds by planting your bulbs in layers. Place small, medium and large flower bulb varieties within the same space – with the taller flowers towards the back, of course – to achieve a magnificent, multi-dimensional look.

No. 4: Use Shrubs as Backdrops for Flowers

Do you have evergreen shrubs lining your home or yard? Bushes make the perfect backdrop for any spring-blooming bulbs – even white or pale-colored flowers are eye-popping when planted in front of dark green shrubs.

No. 5: Plant Flowers with Different Blooming Times

Keep the color alive all season long by planting flowers with a range of blooming times. Using a mix of flower bulb varieties that bloom early, midseason and late in spring for successive garden color. To make the show last into summer, plant the bulbs near perennial flowers that peak later on.

No. 6: Create Container Gardens with Flower Bulbs

Spring-blooming bulbs do just as well in containers as they do in the ground. Plant them in portable pots in the fall and put them in a cold garage or storage shed for the winter. Once spring arrives, your container gardens can be perfectly placed for pops of color throughout the landscape.

No. 7: Plant Fall Flower Bulbs in Clusters

Regardless of how you choose to plant your spring-blooming bulbs, you want a big color impact. So, don’t try to spread a few over a large area, or you’ll be disappointed in the results. Plant bulbs in clusters, and you’ll end up with a greater concentration of color.

Want more gardening advice? The friendly, experienced staff at Millcreek Gardens is happy to answer all of your questions. To learn more about planting fall flower bulbs in Utah, visit our Salt Lake City garden center today.