Today’s gardening tips address a popular favorite, rose bushes. And, if you think only expert gardeners can grow these beautiful outdoor plants, think again.

growing roses Utah

Rose gardening has developed a reputation for being difficult. As a result, many amateur gardeners lack confidence in their ability to grow their own roses.

Don’t let your fears discourage you. Follow our pro gardening tips, and you can grow colorful, gorgeous roses that are the envy of your neighborhood.

How to Choose the Right Rose Varieties

Hundreds of varieties of roses are available these days, with a wide range of colors, sizes and fragrances. These include antique and heritage roses, hybrid plants, wild roses – the countless options for each type are mind-boggling.

And then, of course, we must consider the different physical forms the plants can take. You can choose from miniature, climbing or shrub varieties, for example.

For the greatest chance of success with rose gardening, select plants that are suited to our Utah growing region as well as the location where you want plant them. If you look for varieties that are disease-resistant, you’ll have less to worry about. Some heritage roses, for example, offer extra resistance to disease. However, many of the modern hybrids are easier to grow overall.

The best way to select your ideal variety of rose bushes is to visit us at the garden center and ask one of our experienced associates for personalized rose gardening tips.

Consider Your Gardening and Growing Conditions

Selecting the right rose varieties can go a long way toward success, but planting conditions are just as important for growing beautiful roses.

Roses don’t do well in the shade, so you’ll need to plant them in a location that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. Without enough sun, your roses will become spindly, they won’t bloom well and they will be more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Make sure to plant your roses in a rich soil mixture that has plenty of organic matter. Add some compost or soil amendments when planting. Finally, adding a layer of mulch around the plants will also help your roses flourish, as it will maintain soil moisture and suppress weed growth.

Give Your Roses Plenty of Attention

Roses need to be watered deeply about once per week to remain healthy and blooming from spring to fall. These plants are not drought-tolerant, so make sure the soil stays moist. Depending on your soil conditions, your plants may also benefit from periodic fertilization

You’ll also need to prune your plants in the early spring or right after they have finished flowering in the fall. Pruning creates air flow through the flowers, resulting in healthier plants. Otherwise, the plants become susceptible to aphids and white, powdery mold.

Deadheading, or cutting off faded blooms, is a gardening maintenance task that needs to be done throughout the growing season. Cutting the plants back encourages more blossoms and helps prevent disease.

Millcreek Gardens, located in Salt Lake City, is Northern Utah’s premier local garden center. Our plants, trees and shrubs are all selected for growing in our unique climate and soil conditions. We also have everything you need for planting and caring for your garden. Stop by and see us today for your personalized rose gardening tips and advice.